The Law Offices of Paciocco and Mellow
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How much will I get from my case?

The amount that you may recover in a claim depends on many factors. These factors include such things as:

  • the type of injury;
  • the type of treatment which is required;
  • the amount of pain your experience;
  • the type of limitations you have as a result of the injury;
  • whether you have undergone surgery or surgery may be required in the future;
  • whether your injury has caused you to miss time for work or has affected your ability to work;
  • whether your injury has affected your ability to do household chores; and
  • the expected duration of any impairments you have as a result of the injury.

In order for our lawyers to provide you with an opinion as to what your case may be worth, it is necessary to interview you and to review your medical records. It is often the case that your long-term condition will not be known for a number of months, if not longer, following the accident and that our lawyers will only be able to provide you a very rough estimate of your potential recovery at the initial meeting. Rest assured that the lawyers of Paciocco & Mellow will do everything in their power to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve as the result of your accident.