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Why It’s Important To Talk About Brain Injuries

A head injury is an injury to the skull. A brain injury can be the result of a head injury. A brain injury causes changes to how the brain functions. The World Health Organization defines acquired brain injuries (ABI), a type of brain injury that is not present at birth.

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Traumatic Brain Injuries Headline the News

Football is back in season and the concussion/traumatic brain injury crisis still remains a growing concern for the NFL, its lawyers and players. An article from the Globe and Mail reveals that according to an actuarial study, 1 in 4 football players will end up with some form of “brain problems” in their lifetime, which

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The Importance of Rehabilitation after a Traumatic Brain Injury

An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you to find treatment providers in the area you live in your area and help you access the treatment you need. We will fight for your rights to medical and rehabilitation benefits if the injury is as a result of a motor vehicle accident and if you have no access to insurance, or your insurance company has denied your benefits, we can help you find a way to afford treatment.

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Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) have been receiving a lot of attention in the news, between the NFL lawsuit, the NHL lawsuit and Michael Schumacher’s serious injury during a skiing accident. Too often the media focuses on athletic concussions and athletic traumatic brain injuries, which takes attention away from non-athletic brain injuries.

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