In a previous post, we discussed possible changes that could affect the way drivers and cyclists interact on the road, where motorists would be asked to leave 1 metre between themselves and cyclists in order to let cyclists pass safely.
As with driving, there is much to know about riding a bicycle. The Ministry of Transportation’s publication, Cycling Skills- Ontario’s Guide to Safe Cycling provides information for cyclists.
It should be known that the Ontario Highway Traffic Act defines a bicycle as a vehicle that belongs on the road. Bicycles, because they travel at a lower speed must remember the following 2 rules:
- Slower traffic stays right
- Slower traffic must give way to faster traffic when safe and practical
The MTO advises that cyclists should ride one meter from the curb or close to the right hand edge of the road when there is no curb, unless they are turning left, going faster other than vehicles or if the lane is too narrow to share.
When it comes to changing lanes, cyclists should remember that the cars the vehicles in the other lane have the right of way and remember the importance of waiting for an opening before changing lanes, performing shoulder checks and signaling.
Vehicles making right-hand turns can be dangerous for cyclists. Motorists don’t always check for the presence of cyclists when making right-hand turns. If you are riding near a vehicle that is making a right turn, you have the choice of staying behind the vehicle or safely passing the vehicle on the left. It is not advisable to pass on the right side.
The MTO advises that since intersections (of all types, including in residential areas, driveways and alleys) are a junction where collisions can occur, it is recommended that cyclists stay at least one metre from curbs in residential areas so that they are visible to drivers and vice versa.
There are several signs and traffic signals that cyclists should be aware of, which can be found here, that indicate what roads bicycles are allowed on and what roads bicycles are allowed to travel on.
If you or someone you know has been injured as the result of a bicycle or motor vehicle accident, it is important that you contact the experienced Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.
We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance.
The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time.