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How Personal Injury Settlement Values are Determined in Ontario

In other words,” how much is my case worth”. This is the first and foremost question that comes to one’s mind. There are two basic conditions of determining the value of the case;

  1. Personal Situation – The amount to be compensated depends on the age, salary, profession or severity of the accident.
  1. How the lawyers approach the case –

Injury Law Myth and Reality ImageHere comes the most crucial part of the personal injury claims i.e. the lawyers. It depends entirely on them to bring forth the case in such a way that maximum compensation amount can be drawn from the other side. A very renowned lawyer says that he has faced same types of accidents at similar situations but the impact on families differs in all of them. This is because in some, the injured is the only earning member or in others it is some college goer. In every case the situations vary vastly and hence a close study of the family is very essential for each and every case.

This interaction cannot be successful with a half hour discussion between the lawyer and the victim but demands at least 2 to 4 hours of initial assessment. This period of time should be utilized by both to get to know the other person thoroughly. It is very important for the victim to elaborate his or her financial problems family issues and other minute details. For example, the client might not know that if he had been injured previously in some other accident, his case would be considered more serious compared to someone who has suffered for the first time. 

The Personal Injury Settlement lawyers charge an amount of 33.3% of the compensation received whereas the others charge a 20% of the amount. Thus it also becomes the lawyer’s concern to draw the maximum amount from the defendant. There has to be a unique effect of the injury on the family to bring out the maximum difficulty and hence maximum benefit. 

10 myths of Personal Injury Settlement cases are;

  1. There always has to be payment up front. In other words, the lawyers take payment before the case is resolved.
  2. Lawyers can determine how much compensation the claim party can receive.
  3. Every time the victim party has to visit court to solve the case.
  4. One accident has only one case which is not right because there are three cases simultaneously running for one accident case
  5. There will be at least 5 year gap before any compensation is received.
  6. No lawyer is required and the case can be directly sorted with the insurance company.
  7. More than one chance to claim for an injury case.
  8. There is infinite time to decide to whether file a case or not.
  9. Compensated only for physical injuries
  10. Most of the cases have frivolous claims and hence may not be considered.