Previously, we discussed the effects of mild traumatic brain injuries and how a recent study found they can effect cognitive functioning.
Any type of brain injury can have a long-lasting impact on the person who has sustained the injury and his or her family.
Concussions are a type of brain injury. People used to think that a “bump on the head” wasn’t dangerous and concussions didn’t require medical attention. Thanks to all the media attention over the past few years, the general public is more aware about the effects of brain injuries.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has referred to traumatic brain injuries as a silent epidemic.
For example, the impact of a concussion can mean difficulties with school, work, sports because of memory difficulties, balance issues, fatigue or headaches. If symptoms last longer than 3 months, a diagnosis of post-concussion syndrome can be made.
It is possible to recover from a mild traumatic brain injury but there are people who may not recover because their injuries have not been realized as their symptoms did not become apparent right away. Someone who suffered a brain injury as a result of a car accident or slip and fall accident might not realize the extent of his or her injuries until resuming employment or regular habits.
Why does this occur? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect signs of a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury on a CT scan. However, this does not mean that one has not occurred.
It is also important to note that once someone has suffered one concussion, if a second concussion occurs before the person has recovered from the first, the greater the injuries will be. The injuries will be compounded as a result of the person not having the chance to heal properly. This is known as “second impact syndrome”.
If you or someone you know has sustained a traumatic brain injury as a result of a car accident, slip and fall accident or any other type of person injury, do not hesitate to contact an experienced person injury lawyer right away.
At the law firm of Paciocco & Mellow, we have represented many clients who have sustained serious injuries as a result of car accidents, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents and other types of personal injuries. We can help clients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries and other serious injuries with finding the right rehabilitation clinics and help them with their recovery.
We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance.
The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.