The Law Offices of Paciocco and Mellow
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Personal Injury Claims: Myths & Facts

Myth: Insurance companies will treat you fairly, with or without a lawyer when it comes to negotiating a settlement Reality: Insurance adjusters/insurance companies will act differently when the offer a settlement amount to an unrepresented party than they would a represented party.

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Slip and Fall Accident

If you have been injured in a slip and fall, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow are standing by to help you. It is also important that you document your fall. You should have a friend or family member take photographs of the location of your fall. If your fall took place at a commercial premises, you should report the fall to the store manager.

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Windsor Injury Lawyers

The Windsor Injury Lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow understand that each person experiences an injury differently. We strive to provide personalized service that recognizes that you are an individual and not simply a file number. Our lawyers are available to answer your questions throughout the litigation process. We are here to help you through this difficult and stressful period of your life. If you are a loved one has been injured in an accident, please call Paciocco & Mellow today at (519) 915-SORE (7673) for your free initial consultation.

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How much will I get from my case?

In order for our lawyers to provide you with an opinion as to what your case may be worth, it is necessary to interview you and to review your medical records. It is often the case that your long-term condition will not be known for a number of months, if not longer, following the accident and that our lawyers will only be able to provide you a very rough estimate of your potential recovery at the initial meeting. Rest assured that the lawyers of Paciocco & Mellow will do everything in their power to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve as the result of your accident.

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Do I have a case?

It is important that you contact an experienced lawyer, such as the lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow, as soon as possible following an accident or the onset of a disability. We provide a free initial consultation where you will sit down with one of our experienced lawyers, who will obtain all the details of your situation and who will tell you whether you have a case. Even if you think that you may not have a case, or someone else has told you that you do not, it is important that you speak with an experienced lawyer. Our experienced lawyers have years of experience helping injured people and will identify for you any potential claim that you have.

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Medical Malpractice

Whenever health care providers, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, chiropractors, physiotherapists or any other medical specialist fall below the standard of reasonable conduct when treating or caring for patients, it is known as Medical Malpractice. Medical Malpractice has consequences for individual patients and their family members.

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Sport Injury Lawyers

Given the rising number of sporting injuries today, most organizations and leagues carry sports insurance. It is not uncommon to see claims as between referees, players, and any of the aforementioned parties versus the organization. When any of these parties do not have insurance, any of them may become personally liable depending on the facts.

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