
Windsor personal injury lawyers

Paciocco& Mellow are Windsor personal injury lawyers. If you have been hurt in any type of accident you need to call Paciocco& Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673) as soon as possible.

The waterways in Southwestern Ontario are full of people enjoying boating, fishing or other watersports in the summer months. Unfortunately, a fun filled day can quickly turn into a nightmare on the water. Boating and watersport accidents can often result in serious injuries or death. The experienced Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow are about to help people injured in Boating Accidents get the compensation they deserve.

The winters in Southwestern Ontario are milder than in most parts of Canada, but a number of local residents still enjoy snowmobiling. Snowmobiling can result in life changing personal injuries. The experienced Windsor personal injury lawyers are Snowmobile Injury Lawyers. Whether you have been injured riding your snowmobile in the Windsor area or anywhere else, Paciocco& Mellow can help you get the compensation that you deserve.

We all trust our doctors and other medical professionals to provide the correct treatment to keep us healthy. While most medical professionals provide excellent care to their patients, even the most experienced medical professional can make a mistake. The outcome of such Medical Malpractice can be devastation to both the patient and their family. If you believe that you have been the victim of Medical Malpractice contact the experienced injury lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow. We can help you get the advice you need to determine whether you have a claim against your doctor or other medical professional.

Do not let fear or embarrassment about your situation prevent you from seeking the advice of a lawyer when you have been involved in an accident. The experienced injury lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow will deal with you as an individual and with kindness and compassion. We will spend the time with you that you need to be fully informed about your options so that you can make a decision about how you would like to proceed. Our lawyers are also available during the course of your case, to answer any questions you might have. It is important for you to be fully information about your claim and you should never feel like a question should not be asked of your lawyer. We will always make the time to answer all your questions.

Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario

Paciocco& Mellow are experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario. Paciocco& Mellow also represents clients throughout Southwestern Ontario including Essex County, Chatham-Kent and Sarnia and Lambton County. We are available to meet with clients or prospective clients in our offices located in Windsor, Ontario, in Chatham or Sarnia, at your hospital room, at your home or at another location which is convenient for you. Evening and weekend appointments are available. If you are looking for Car Accident Lawyers, Truck Accident Lawyers or Motorcycle Accident Lawyers, call Paciocco& Mellow first at (519) 915-SORE(7673).

Paciocco& Mellow, Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario, have a combined total of over seventeen years’ experience representing persons involved in car accidents. We represent only injured people and never act for insurance companies. As such, you can be sure that we always have your interests as an injured person at heart and that we will fight tirelessly to make sure that you get all the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies are interested in paying as little money as possible to injured persons. Some lawyers represent both insurance companies and injured persons which causes what we believe is an inherent conflict of interest, even if they do not do work for the same insurance company you are suing. The conflict is that how can a lawyer credibly argue that a case is worth one amount when acting for an insurer and another amount when acting for an injured person. You have to ask yourself how a judge who hears many matters from such a lawyer would respond. We suggest that such a lawyer is likely less credible before a judge when he or she has said in one case, when acting for an insurance company, that a particular injury is worth one amount and when acting for an injured person that a similar injury is worth much more.

When you hire Paciocco& Mellow, Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario, you never have to worry about such divided loyalties. We only represent injured people, so you can be sure that get you the most money that we can. The bottom line is that if you have been involved in a car accident, your first call to a lawyer should be to Paciocco& Mellow at (519) 915-SORE(7673).

Car Accident Lawyer in Windsor

Do you need a Car Accident Lawyer in Windsor? Paciocco& Mellow are the experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario that you should contact first.

Car accidents often result in injuries to the neck and back that can require extensive physiotherapy, massage therapy and/or chiropractic treatment. Treatment of this type is available through your own auto insurance company and is known as Statutory Accident Benefits. Unfortunately, the Government of Ontario, at the request of the Insurance Industry, change the rules for the amount of treatment that is available to injured people effective September 1, 2010. The new rules created what is termed as the “Minor Injury Guidelines” which limit the amount of treatment which is available to car accident victims suffering certain types of injuries. If your insurance company is refusing to pay for additional treatment because they have classified you as being under these “Minor Injury Guidelines” you need the advice of the experienced Car Accident Lawyers of Paciocco& Mellow. We can help you to have the decision of your insurance company reviewed and possibly get you access to additional treatment benefits.

If you want a Car Accident Lawyer in Windsor who will stand up to your insurance company and make sure you get all the benefits you have paid for, contact the experienced lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow at (519) 915-SORE(7673).

The Car Accident Lawyer in Windsor of Paciocco& Mellow are also Truck Accident Lawyers and Motorcycle Accident Lawyers. We represent clients throughout Southwestern Ontario including Chatham-Kent and Sarnia and Lambton County. We are available to meet with you at your convenience with evening and weekend appointments available upon request. We will meet with you at our office in Windsor or in Chatham and Sarnia. We will also meet with you at your hospital room, at your home or at another location which is convenient for you.

At Paciocco& Mellow we make it affordable for anyone to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer. The initial consultation with one of our lawyers is always free and without obligation. We also accept most personal injury cases on a contingency basis, which means that we do not ask for any money up front and that our fees are paid out of the settlement or judgment once your claim is resolved. If we are not successful in recovery money on your behalf you will not pay any legal fee.

Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents happen every day as the result of the actions of careless and negligent motorists. All to often it is an innocent motorist, pedestrian or cyclist that pays the price for this carelessness in the form of a serious personal injury. The laws governing claims arising from a car accident are complex and you need the experience of the experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow to make sure you get the compensation you are entitled to. Paciocco& Mellow are also Motorcycle Accident Lawyers and Truck Accident Lawyers.

Following any car accident, it is important to remain calm and behave in a reasonable manner. You may rightly be very upset at the other driver following the accident, but it will not help your case to yell at them or use profanity. Remember that witnesses are more likely to come forward and aid a person who behaves in a calm and reasonable manner than a person who is yelling and behaving in an aggressive manner. You should immediately contact the local police department to report the accident and have a Motor Vehicle Accident Report completed. You should also take down the information of the other driver(s) involved in the accident, including their name, address, telephone number, driver’s license number, license plate number, the make and model of their vehicle, the name of their insurance company and their policy number. If they refuse to provide you with this information, do not a press the matter. Allow the police to deal with them. You should, however, take down their license plate number, a description of the driver and the vehicle, in case the other driver flees the scene before the police arrive.

If you believe that you have been injured in the accident, you should request that an ambulance attend at the scene. Often the presence of serious injuries can be masked by the adrenalin and shock following the accident. It is important that you receive a through medical examination as soon as possible after the accident. If you choose not to have an ambulance attend at the scene, you should attend at the office of your family doctor, a walk-in clinic or the emergency room of your local hospital as soon as possible after the investigating police officer releases you from the accident scene.

After you have received medical treatment, you should contact your own auto insurance company to report the claim and complete an application for accident benefits. The Car Accident Lawyers at Paciocco& Mellow are available to assist you should you have any questions regarding the process for applying for accident benefits or if you are denied any benefits by your auto insurance company.

Paciocco& Mellow are Windsor Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers, but we also service clients throughout Essex County, Chatham-Kent and Sarnia and Lambton County. We have office space available to meet with clients in Chatham and Sarnia. We are also available to meet with you at your hospital room, your home or another convenient location for you. Paciocco& Mellow are the Car Accident Lawyers for you.

Personal Injury Lawyers Windsor

We all face many situations in our daily lives that can result in an injury due to the negligent actions of another person. When you have been injured in an accident the Personal Injury Lawyers Windsor at Paciocco& Mellow stand ready to help you.

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common sources of personal injury claims in Ontario. Paciocco& mellow are experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Windsor Ontario and Motorcycle Accident lawyers. When you are in a motor vehicle accident, there are several potential sources of compensation available to you. You have access to Statutory Accident Benefits no matter who was at fault for the accident. Statutory Accident Benefits provide compensation for such things as medical treatments and income loss. You also may have access to disability insurance if you have a disability insurance policy, either privately or through your employer, union or trade group. Finally, you may have a claim against the person or persons that negligently caused the motor vehicle accident. The Personal Injury Lawyers Windsor at Paciocco& Mellow are available to meet with you for a free initial consultation to explain to you all your legal rights following an accident.

Another common source of injuries are dog bites or other animal attacks. Paciocco& Mellow are Dog Bites Injury Lawyers. The owner of the dog that bit or attacked you, as well as any other person who harboured the dog, is responsible for damages caused by their dog. It is important after being bitten or attacked by a dog to try and get the name and address of the owner of the dog, or at least the address of the location where the incident took place. The bite should also be reported to the local police and medical treatment should be sought immediately from your family doctor, a walk-in clinic or the emergency room at your local hospital.

Whatever the type of accident you experienced, Paciocco& Mellow, Personal Injury Lawyers Windsor, are available to help you.  Our help is only a phone call away and the initial meeting with one of our experienced lawyers is free of charge. Please call Paciocco& Mellow today at (519) 915-SORE(7673). We are available to meet you at our office, your hospital room, your home or another convenient location for you. Paciocco& Mellow services not only the Windsor and Essex County area, but also the Chatham-Kent and Sarnia Lambton area.