
Lower Back Pain Costing You Time and Money

Whether continuing education and working part-time, or working full-time, enthusiasm sometimes overrides focus on performing tasks with long-term health and safety in mind.  Society encourages the “do-er” and people are told they have to pay their dues to earn their way in the job culture.  The reality of today’s economy, many companies in various industries are cutting costs and expecting more from their employees. 

Construction and service industries are some of the most physically demanding jobs a worker can be exposed to on a daily basis.  By and large construction companies do offer health and safety training, particularly those paying contributions to WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.). Typically, the training is geared to high-risk tasks – fall arrest, respiratory safety, confined-space safety, WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Information System,) etc.

One of the most common injuries is lower back pain, contributing to 18% of employee claims, according to WSIB this year.  What is difficult about this issue is a claim that may discover the worker’s injury is in part due to a pre-existing condition.  Though the claim may not be denied, it’s important to understand Ontario is the only province in Canada without a policy dealing with pre-existing conditions.  When someone finds themselves in the unfortunate situation of having suffered this injury at work, it is important to seek the advice of a personal injury specialist in addition to immediate medical attention.  

An aging workforce are some of the most vulnerable people for this type of injury.  The personal injury specialist can advise one on how to circumnavigate all legal avenues where a dispute with an employer over the injury exists.  Fortunately for the worker, consultation with an expert is free, and when a legitimate claim is identified, typically fees are not collected until a successful resolution is concluded.

Where the economy is forcing workers into longer hours with labour-intensive work, fatigue is inherently the risk factor.  Pressures forcing a deadline often lead to ignoring what the body can endure, resulting in repeated strain.  And workers are often at the mercy of their culture… to perform until the job is done. 

Having said lower back injury claims amount to 18%, it is also reported that sprains and strains are the most common injury reported as 40% of claims.  It’s all connected in the body.  When one area of the body is strained, another part of the body will overcompensate.  When the back goes out, it’s excruciatingly painful, and takes a great deal of therapy for even short-term recovery.  Inevitably, it’s a long-term injury and requires very careful management.  Those are key points to remember when trying to assess what the true cost is to an individual. 

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

Make Sure You Drive With Care

Every day in urban centres, you see them…  Those people who drive like they got their licence from a bubble-gum machine.  You don’t know whether to laugh or cry.  It’s stressful, even if the rest of your day isn’t necessarily.  The drive to and from anywhere these days is fraught with dangers.  People cutting in front of oncoming traffic, through an intersection because they run their own red light, turning right at the corner.  Or the classic, hanging in the intersection, waiting to turn left when the light turns yellow.  Let’s not even mention texting while driving.  Those laws are changing (thankfully) to address the increasing dangers those violators expose the rest of the conscientious drivers to.

Back in 2009, the highest, personal-injury award in Canada was given to a 20-year old, grade 12 student.  Robert Marcoccia was driving his Honda Civic, and collided with a furniture truck, turning left at Rexdale and Humberwood boulevards, an intersection in Toronto.  The truck was driven by Bhupinder Singh Gill, for his employer, Purba Furniture, and leased from Ford Credit Canada Limited.  All three parties were found liable by a jury.

The victim, Robert Marcoccia suffered severe brain injuries, causing permanent impairment of many of his physical, mental, and psychological functions.  The degree of his injuries determined the breakdown of what amounted to $16.9 million.  The jury decided almost $14 million was for his future care alone.  The rest of the award was split between future loss of income, future corporate guardian costs, future legal fees, and general damages.

It’s a devastating reality for an occurrence that happens everywhere, all too frequently.  It’s a split-second decision with the most horrific consequences, short of causing death.  The issue of fault was assessed in that case as well.  In fact, Robert Marcoccia was found by the jury to be at fault, 39% and the balance of fault, 61% with Bhupinder Singh Gill. 

While $16.9 million sounds like an incredible amount of money that many Canadians cannot relate to, what is the real cost of Robert Marcoccia’s life as he’ll know it from then on?  A life-time sentence of rehabilitation, medication, side effects – both from the injuries sustained, and the medications to control the physiological damage.  Caretakers, lost-life experiences, opportunities, and devastated general wellness.

Don’t forget the families.  Tragedy from civil or criminal circumstances never effect only one or two people.  The suffering will extend, reaching family and friends of all of the parties involved.  One split-second decision, made in haste, forever changing trajectory into reality of regret.

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

The Uninvited Guest

You’re dying to go next door to see your neighbour’s renovation.  They’ve been at it for months.  Inside, outside, from open concepts to new “grotto” patios.  But, you’re not exactly friends.  Every time you ask “How’s it going?”  They give you the same, flaccid reply, “Well, it’s still going.  We’re getting there, slowly.”  Finally, you decide one day, you’ll just wander over and have a look.  After all, it’s hard to tell you to your face to go home if you’re standing there. 

The contractors are working, there’s a buzz of activity, and you see the homeowner outside, milling about.  That’s your cue.  You wander over casually and with quiet humility, you offer your most polite pleasantries and keep walking towards the homeowner pretending you can’t hear them dissuading your advances. As you walk, focused on their face, taking great study of their body language, you completely ignore what they’re saying and stumble over some equipment cords, falling in and out of a deep hole, then tripping head-first into a pile of rubble.  Instead of getting the anticipated tour, you’re seriously injured.

After first responders are called, and the scene subsides from the obvious chaos, you end up at the hospital with serious, but not life-threatening injuries.  Despite jeopardizing neighbour relations, you’re still quite upset, believing the hazardous areas of their property should’ve been identified, preventing you from injury.  And, the homeowner is mad at you! 

Should you sue?  Do you even have a claim?  It seems reasonable that you do.  It could’ve been anyone who got injured and you think the homeowner should know better since their renovation project has gone on for months.  The injuries you sustained were clearly a case of negligence.  Safety should be “their” priority.  There’s only one nagging concern…  You weren’t invited over.  You were in fact, trespassing.

Homeowners do have the burden of having to provide a safe environment on their property when hosting others.  Renovations present circumstances where life-threatening hazards may constitute negligence.  Under Canadian tort law (from the Latin word “tortum,” meaning wrong or injustice,) there is a special section called, “Premises Liability Law,” dealing with issues specifically related to a property owner’s accountability and obligations.  And low and behold, a trespasser is also covered under tort law – to some degree.  Despite breaking a law by trespassing, they can still make a claim against the homeowner where personal injury was due to negligence.  So, game on you nosy neighbours but, trespassers beware…  Bring your hard hats, safety glasses, and steel toes!

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

UBC Researchers Developing “Smart Seat” to Reduce Whiplash Injuries

One of the most common injuries after a car accident is whiplash. The severity of the degree of whiplash depends on the nature of the accident, and the mechanism of how the injury happened. Recovery time depends on the individual and on the severity of the injury. 

Researchers at the University of British Columbia are working towards developing a car system that would lessen the effects of whiplash enough to significantly reduce the risk of injury from low speed rear-end collisions. The technology is aimed towards creating a “smart seat” the measures a person’s pulse during a collision and readjusts his/her position accordingly to reduce the impact on the head and neck. 

The researchers believe that educating the public will create interest and create consumer demand for this technology to be made available in vehicles and to be made cost effective. Something that came out of this study is the importance of properly adjusting the headrest (head restraint).People need to be aware of the amount of space between their heads and the head restraint and to properly adjust this for safety reasons. This will also help with reducing injuries. 

If you or someone you know is a victim of a car accident and has sustained whiplash injuries or any other type of injuries, you should consider contacting an experienced person injury lawyer right away. 

At the law firm of Paciocco & Mellow, we have represented many clients who have sustained serious injuries as a result of car accidents, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents and other types of personal injuries. We can help clients with finding the right rehabilitation clinics and help them with their recovery. 

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow is a Windsor Personal Injury Firm that has successfully represented many injured persons.  

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

New Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can occur as a result of a slip and fall, car accident, assault or sports injury. There is no “cure all” for TBIs but doctors and researchers conduct many studies in the hopes of finding successful treatments for TBIs.

According to a recent article posted on PsyPost, controlled application of what is called vacuum pressure (controlled vacuum) seems to be a promising way to limit tissue damage from TBI. The results of the study were published in the August issue of the journal, Neurosurgery.

The technology, known as mechanical tissue resuscitation appeared to
Result in smaller injuries and better recovery. Mechanical resuscitation is when vacuum pressure is applied to the area of injury.

The researchers are not sure how vacuum pressure to reduces the loss of brain tissue and reducing hemorrhaging and state it requires further investigation. They wondered if mechanical tissue resuscitation promotes increased blood flow to the tissue and helps to remove waste.

Another recent study published on Nature Communications found that immune cells can help protect brain cells after traumatic brain injury. The study, emanating from the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Researcher Institute explained that microglia, a type of immune cells provide a helpful role in recovery.

Microglia is usually associated with worsening chronic adult brain disease like Alzheimer’s and cause harmful inflammation that destroy healthy brain cells. The aforementioned study found that Microglia can actually protect the brain from traumatic brain injury.

Microglia is part of what is known as the “innate immune system” and Microglia are the body’s first responders after illness or TBI. The study’s researchers are hoping to harness the power of Microglia to improve prognosis for patients with TBI, stroke, MS and Alzheimer’s.

If you or someone you know has sustained a traumatic brain injury as a result of a car accident, slip and fall accident or any other type of person injury, do not hesitate to contact an experienced person injury lawyer right away.

At the law firm of Paciocco & Mellow, we have represented many clients who have sustained serious injuries as a result of car accidents, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents and other types of personal injuries. We can help clients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries and other serious injuries with finding the right rehabilitation clinics and help them with their recovery.

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow is a Windsor Personal Injury Firm that has successfully represented many injured persons.

We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance.

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.

Increased Fines and Demerit Points for Distracted Driving On The Way

Many of us have been enjoying the sunny days of summer (in between the very rainy ones). Windows open, rooftops open, music blaring, less congestion on the road, seems like the perfect combination for an easy drive.

But clear roads, less traffic and more hours of sunlight can also mean more temptation for speeding and distracted driving.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and local police forces typically set up campaigns around long weekends to catch impaired and distracted drivers, hoping this will be a deterrent for dangerous behaviour. This practice has been around for many years.

Yet, many people continue to drive distracted, whether it is texting and driving, using their smartphones in another capacity to browse the Internet, answer emails or use another type of handheld device.

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the Ontario Liberal Government has plans to pass legislation that would increase the current fine of $280 for distracted driving up to a maximum of $1000 and 3 demerit points. Whether or not this will deter drivers from texting behind the wheel remains to be seen.

An article in discussed how the OPP support the proposed legislation and the “grim statistics” relating to distracted driving in Ontario. There are 4 leading causes of death on Ontario’s roadways:

1. Failure to wear a seatbelt
2. Impaired driving
3. Aggressive driving
4. Inattentive driving (distracted driving)

It turns out that distracted driving is currently the number one cause of crash-related deaths on Ontario’s highways, and OPP statistics reveal that in 2013, 86 deaths resulted from distracted driving. In addition, the OPP have laid 19,000 distracted driving charges!

In 2014, OPP have linked 31 highway fatalities to distracted driving and approximately 4,000 collisions have been associated with distracted or inattentive driving. 9,982 distracted driving charges have been laid.

It makes sense that the OPP is supportive of tougher penalties; distracted driving affects public safety.

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) advises that a driver is 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash if texting while driving and 5 times more likely if talking on a cellphone.

Drivers should also be aware that in addition to charges for distracted driving, they can be charged with careless driving. Penalties for careless driving includes fines ranging from $490-$2,000 and 6 demerit points.

Drivers should know that it is not okay to text or email at a red light. Just because your car is stopped, does not mean you are not using the road .

If you or someone you know is a victim of distracted driving or careless driving and has sustained injuries, you should consider contacting an experienced person injury lawyer right away.

At the law firm of Paciocco & Mellow, we have represented many clients who have sustained serious injuries as a result of car accidents, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents and other types of personal injuries. We can help clients with finding the right rehabilitation clinics and help them with their recovery.

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow is a Windsor Personal Injury Firm that has successfully represented many injured persons.

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.

The World Cup, Concussions and the Media

Concussions and sports have been juxtaposed in the media for the past few years, with the revelation that repeated concussions and head injures in sports can lead to what is known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a disease whose symptoms mirror dementia. 

With the start of the World Cup, it is another opportunity to spread brain injury awareness, and of course, in Canada, June is National Brain Injury Awareness Month. 

An article posted on The Telegraph last week expressed concerns a British MP had about the media reporting concussions and how soccer players return to play too quickly after concussions. Specifically, the MP is requesting that broadcasters speak to World Cup commentators about “praising players” who return to the field after sustaining what could be a serious concussion. 

The concern is that commenters, by encouraging players to return to the field, are undermining brain injury awareness and education efforts. 

Our firm agrees that sports commentators in general should be aware about the potential dangers and risks associated with concussions and their long term effects. Athletes should understand that they do not need to be ashamed of “sitting one out”, because they are not sure of how serious that bump to the head was. Sports commentators and the media can help the public to become more aware about what concussions are, how they occur and the symptoms. 

Traumatic brain injuries have long lasting effects and need to be taken seriously by athletes, the media, the public and those who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. A concussion is considered to be a form of a traumatic brain injury and there are long term dangers associated with ignoring concussions. There is also a condition known as post-concussion syndrome which can occur in some individuals who sustain a concussion and experience prolonged symptoms of headaches and dizziness for example. 

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations after sustaining a personal injury and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow represents many persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of automobile accidents, slip and fall injuries and other types of personal injuries. 

The Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow offer a free, no obligation initial consultation.  Contact our lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow (519) 915-SORE (7673). 

The Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow are here to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time.

Driverless Cars are Coming in the Not So Distant Future

Automotive technology has certainly come a long way in the last decade with fuel-efficiency, Bluetooth capability, rearview cameras, blind-spot sensors, and now, driverless cars. 

Yes, driverless cars exist and are being programmed to master and navigate city streets. Google has programmed the car to recognize stop signs, cyclists and pedestrians. Google recently revealed its prototype to the public. 

Of course, the cars do not have the capability to recognize human gestures, or know how to drive in inclement weather- yet. Google has programs the cars to drive defensively and safely. 

What are the benefits of a driverless car? If the technology is perfected and regulated, driverless cars could benefit seniors and people with disabilities. 

On the passenger side of the prototype there is a button that the passenger would press to start and stop the ride.  The passenger can program the route or use voice controls. 

These driverless vehicles are created with sensors and rooftop cameras to allow the car to react accordingly and analyze other drivers’ behaviour. 

Those who back driverless cars, are in favour of the technology because it is meant to counter distracted driving, impaired driving and careless driving. Of course there are many legal concerns, and concerns about software and technology malfunctions. 

It is well known that despite Ontario’s ban on distracted driving, many drivers continue to use handheld devices and to text and drive. A great deal of traffic collisions and traffic fatalities can be attributed to distracted driving. 

Google hopes to have the technology made publically available in 2017. 

Something to consider is how driverless cars will affect insurance rates, insurability and affect legal claims with respect to personal injury cases. 

If you or someone you know has been injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident, you may want to consider contacting a personal injury lawyer. 

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow is a Windsor Personal Injury Firm that represents many persons who have been injured as a result of automobile accidents, slip and fall injuries and other types of personal injuries. 

We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance. 

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation. 

Newer Form of Depression Treatment Gaining Acceptance

Mental illness affects a significant number of Canadians. There are different forms of depression such as clinical depression, post-partum depression, seasonal affective disorder and bipolar depression. Depression can be treated with psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and various types of anti-depressants such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or SNRIs (serotonin- norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor), tricyclic antidepressants or antipsychotics. 

There are some people who have severe or persistent depression that does not respond well to conventional treatments. This type of depression can be referred to as “treatment resistant depression”. 

A newer type of treatment, called Transcranial Magnet Stimulation (TMS) is gaining acceptance as a viable treatment. It is seen as less severe an option than Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). 

TMS works by having magnetic pulses target nerve cells in the brain. A magnetic coil is placed on the head to stimulate areas of the brain associated with mood. 

Depression is a serious condition. People can develop depression for a variety of reasons, including from a traumatic event or stressful situation, like a car accident or personal injury such as a slip and fall/trip and fall accident. 

If someone is suffering from depression, and has been involved in a car accident or other personal injury and is unable to work as a result, it is important to contact an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. 

People may not be aware of their rights or obligations and may feel overwhelmed about the legal process. Personal injury litigation is complex and Paciocco & Mellow is a Windsor Personal Injury Firm that represents many persons who have been injured as a result of automobile accidents, slip and fall injuries and other types of personal injuries. 

We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance. 

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time. Contact the Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

What you need to know if you ride a bicycle in Ontario – Part 3

In a previous post, we discussed ways cyclists can stay safe on the road. 

This post will examine what cyclists need to know about riding near trucks, buses and street cars and how the law in Ontario applies to bicycles. This information can be found in the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) publication, Cycling Skills- Ontario’s Guide to Safe Cycling

The MTO emphasizes the importance of staying out of blind spots of bus and truck drivers. The rule of thumb is if you can see the eyes of the driver in their mirror, they can see you. It is best to stay well ahead, or well behind large trucks and buses. 

When the upper red lights of a stopped school bus are flashing, traffic must stop in both directions. Traffic is not allowed to proceed until the bus resumes motion or the lights stop flashing. 

In terms of streetcars, the law stipulates that cyclists pass streetcars on the right. 

The MTO offers other safety tips that cyclists want to consider such as the fact that most bicycle brakes work poorly in the rain, and aluminum and ally rims provide the best wet weather braking. 

Under the Highway Traffic Act, a bicycle is considered a vehicle, and a bicyclist has the same rights and responsibilities as other road users when it comes to obeying traffic laws. Cyclists are subject to fines for failure to comply with the rules of the road. 

For example, section 144/136 sets out the obligation to stop for red lights and stop signs and comply with all other signs; failure to do so results in an $85.00 fine. 

If a cyclist rides the wrong way on a designated one-way street (section 153), an $85.00 fine can be charged. 

The requirement for slower traffic to drive in the right-hand lane, or as close as possible to the right edge of the road (except for when turning left/passing another vehicle) is found at section 147 and the fine for failing to do so is $85.00. 

Cyclists can be fined $85.00 for riding in crosswalks according to section 140(6)/244(29) which states that cyclists have to walk their bikes when crossing at a crosswalk. 

Bikes are require to have certain lights on them. Section 62(17) states that bicycles must have a write front light and a red rear light and other visibility requirements or be subject to a fine of $20.00. Bicycles must have a bell or horn in good working order according to section 75(5) and at least one brake system section 64(3), or else pay a fine of $85. 

Bicycles are not allowed on highways and expressways as outlined regulation 630 of the HTA or else there is a fee of $85.00. 

There is a significant fine of $400.00 or failure to stop for stopped school busses when a bus’s upper lights are flashing. 

We hope that everyone practices safe cycling and driving, and cyclists and drivers and share the road this spring! 

If you or someone you know has been injured as the result of a bicycle or motor vehicle accident, it is important that you contact the experienced Windsor personal injury lawyers at Paciocco & Mellow at (519) 915-SORE (7673). We can provide you with a free, no obligation initial consultation.  

We understand that you may feel overwhelmed as a result of your accident and during the legal process and we strive to provide the best service possible and to help our clients in any way that we can, be it a referral to a specialist, rehabilitation provider, help securing a litigation loan or providing reassurance. 

The law firm of Paciocco & Mellow aims to help provide you with Peace of Mind at a Difficult Time.